How to Apply For the HK Prize

hk prize

The HKS Prize writing competition offers writers in Hong Kong an exciting opportunity to build their reputations and win cash prizes. Though highly competitive, this contest can help authors establish themselves and gain cash prizes. To improve your odds of winning the best way is choosing an engaging topic – make sure it is on a reputable website with clearly laid out rules & regulations so as to avoid scams or other forms of fraud!

As part of an application for the Hong Kong Prize, applicants must first submit an original research article by December. It must be written by its first author and meet certain criteria – be it clinical research, observational epidemiological or basic science studies that address human conditions in Hong Kong or Asia, case reports or review articles are ineligible for consideration.

This year’s Hong Kong Prize nominees include activists who fight for freedom and democracy. Many have been arrested or serve lengthy prison terms while continuing to support their causes. Others dedicate themselves to social justice or community service; their efforts provide hope to millions in Hong Kong and across Asia who fear China’s growing influence.

As the global community becomes ever more interdependent, it’s essential to remember that peace and freedom cannot be taken for granted. This is particularly true in Hong Kong where recent protests against Chinese government demonstrate how free speech and healthy democracy must be protected in order for democracy to thrive – the hk prize provides an ideal way of honoring activists working toward this cause.

Winners of the Hong Kong Prize will not only receive a monetary award but will also receive a certificate and letter of thanks from Bank of Hong Kong as well as having access to some of Hong Kong’s premier research facilities. This prize is sponsored by them.

The Hong Kong Prize is one of Hong Kong’s most coveted awards, honoring students who have excelled academically while making significant contributions to society through extracurricular activities. Winners are selected by a panel of judges and presented at an awards ceremony; it is important to remember that not everyone will make it. In order to increase your chances, work hard and participate in extracurricular activities in order to increase success with applying.

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