The HK Prize and the Spirit of Hong Kong Awards

The Hong Kong Prize aims to identify innovative ideas that can contribute to Hong Kong’s international development efforts and shape its position on the global stage. Participants are invited to submit proposals online by submitting an entry; submissions will then be evaluated by a panel of judges; the winning submission will receive an award of HK$5,000.

The annual awards by the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong aim to recognize journalists’ outstanding achievements and raise professional standards. There are four categories for awards: reporting, writing, photography and design with one new category added last year: Best Short News Video. This year, The South China Morning Post staff has won multiple prizes. Senior designer Emilio Rivera won merits in two categories – Best News Page Design (Series) and Best News Coverage – for his work covering Gaza-Israel conflicts as well as organ transplantation between China and Taiwan. The reporting team from The Paper earned first runner-up in Business News Reporting for their coverage of mainland tourist spending patterns on Hong Kong city, while winning second runner-up in both Investigations and Features categories for coverage involving an alleged abduction and death of local woman as well as coverage on police officer fatality incidents.

In art, the Hong Kong Prize encourages secondary school students to use various artistic media to express their creativity in response to this year’s theme of ‘Our Changing World. This prize invites artists to consider themes of diversity, equity and inclusion both domestically and abroad as they affect people differently; furthermore it invites them to think about how our evolving social, cultural and technological landscape has altered lives in profound ways.

Established in 2013, the Spirit of Hong Kong Awards serve to honour Hong Kong’s unsung heroes who encapsulate its true spirit. Heroes don’t necessarily need to be celebrities; those who embody Hong Kong’s true spirit include those who demonstrate genuine charity, civic awareness, self-sacrifice and tenacious entrepreneurship are worthy candidates who provide inspiration through selfless acts that demonstrate it’s spirit are true ambassadors for our city.

ACFE Hong Kong Chapter created the HK Prize to assist local anti-fraud professionals in broadening their knowledge and abilities. ACFE is dedicated to the career development of young professionals, holding social and training activities frequently. Hosted by HKU’s Department of Sociology and Centre for Criminology, undergraduate criminology students can broaden their learning horizons while also preparing themselves for anti-fraud investigations careers through this prize which is also supported by the Hong Kong Financial Services Authority.

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