Horse racing is an ancient and globally-practiced sport, dating back millennia in different civilizations such as Rome, Egypt, Greece, Babylon Syria and Arabia. From those days forward it has remained popular pastime among those betting on its outcome and has since evolved thanks to technological advancements and an improved understanding of horses needs and performance potential.
Racing has grown into a multibillion dollar business, with fans betting worldwide on the outcome of races. Bettors place bets on which horse will cross the finish line first, second or third; additionally they may combine multiple races into an accumulator bet for greater profitability.
While horse racing draws spectators with its exciting, high-stakes spectacles, its brutal realities – drug abuse, breakdowns, and slaughter – have generated outrage from animal rights activists who demand investigations followed by calls to ban the sport; yet these protests have had little success other than raising awareness and fuelling industry efforts to make improvements.
At racetracks, this scene often occurs: a horse crashes onto the track and must be pulled out from competition, often drawing cheers from spectators who supported that horse or betted on it. As soon as this happens, emergency veterinarian teams take over; hoping for the best while being prepared for worse.
These veterinarians understand that horses, like any athlete, can sustain injuries that need treating in various ways. Laminitis (a condition in which hooves deteriorate and lose their shape), concussion, torn ligaments or severe bruises to the front cannon bone may all lead to injury, while some injuries require surgical intervention or even end in fatality.
As tragic as it may be for all involved, when a horse dies it also marks a setback for the racing industry itself. Loss of horses means reduced profits for owners, fewer races being run and ultimately, reduced market shares overall. That is why keeping racing relevant and accessible to its followers and bettors remains so essential.