Dealing With a Gambling Addiction

Gambling involves placing something of value (usually money) at stake on events with an element of chance and the hope that one might win something in return, including lotteries, cards, dice, bingo, slot machines, video poker and horse races. Gambling activities are subject to state and national laws that define its rules of play and set age restrictions for participants – the estimated annual global revenue from legal gambling stands at $10 trillion including both casino profits as well as illegal activities such as organized crime or prostitution.

Problem gambling is defined as any pattern of behavior which causes serious distress or issues in one’s life, particularly related to financial struggles or mental illness. Problem gamblers may engage in these behaviors for recreational interest or out of poor judgment; mental illness may play a part; there may also be genetic predisposition for addiction.

Gambling can have severe psychological and social repercussions, including financial difficulties, family conflict, substance abuse, criminal activity and suicide. A number of strategies have been created to assist those struggling with gambling to overcome their addiction and take back control. Most are built around understanding what’s driving their gambling; approaches range from individual therapy and self-help programs through family counseling as well as career, marital and credit counseling to help individuals overcome gambling problems and take back their lives.

Some individuals with gambling addiction are unaware they have a problem and consider their behavior normal, while others recognize their problem but feel powerless to change it; especially if their gambling habit has caused financial loss and/or relationships to splinter or break apart. It takes tremendous strength and courage to recognize your addiction; there are resources available to you which can assist with recovery from gambling addiction.

Handling an addiction to gambling can be extremely trying. Since problem gambling affects so many families, the first step in dealing with one should be reaching out for help and remembering that you’re not alone; many families share in its struggle. Family therapy and marriage, career, and credit counseling can provide essential tools to navigate through issues at the core of your situation and regain a healthier and more stable environment for everyone involved. BetterHelp offers online service matching you up with licensed therapists specialized in depression, anxiety, relationships and gambling addiction; simply complete their assessment to be connected within 48 hours!

Posted in: Gambling Blog